Devices and systems on both sides of the electric meter can help the grid function more efficiently, manage variable generation, and be more resilient under adverse conditions.
Research within this technical area falls under four main activities with related goals.
Activity 1: Develop Advanced Storage Systems, Power Electronics, and Devices
Goal: Increase electric grid flexibility, reliability, resiliency, and asset utilization by making step changes in the performance of grid-connected devices and technologies
Activity 2: Develop Standards and Test Procedures
Goal: Work with standards development organizations (SDOs) to accelerate the development and validation of standards and test procedures for device interoperability, performance, and safety
Activity 3: Build Testing Capabilities / Test and Validate Devices
Goal: Develop a testing infrastructure and validate device performance in both the laboratory and the field using the developed standards and test procedures
Activity 4: Test and Validate Integrated Systems at multiple scales
Goal: Ensure that integrated systems of devices and controls are able to connect, communicate, and operate in a coordinated fashion at multiple scales
Highlighted Resources
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