The next-generation smart grid is one that leverages technology and business model innovation to deliver greater efficiency, cost control, reliability, and high-quality service flexibility to end users of all types. Together with advanced metering infrastructure, the grid of the future will employ cutting-edge advances in Big Data analytics, energy storage, power generation, IoT and M2M communications, cyber security and more to deliver a harmonized, distributed energy system that efficiently meets the growing requirement for clean, sustainable, and reliable energy across the service regions. Evaluating these technology innovations, determining which ones make sense within various business scenarios, and ensuring their seamless integration and interoperability is a top priority for energy providers.
Building on the success of the 2016 edition, the 2nd Annual Grid Modernization Forum, April 4-5, 2017 in Chicago, will closely examine lessons learned to date by industry leaders pushing the fronters of grid modernization and reliability. Key technology innovators and executives will come together to share perspectives on how best to leverage AMI investment, engage the customer, and take the smart grid to the next level. Case studies of improved network performance, resiliency, outage restoration, and distributed energy resource (DER) integration will be examined with an eye toward determining best practices and technology advances for today's energy ecosystem. Like the 2016 edition, this will be a unique opportunity to network with top industry professionals who are leading the way toward effective grid modernization and the integrated, interoperable, resilient energy network of tomorrow.
Jeff Taft, Principle Investigator from PNNL for the GMLC Grid Architecture project, will give an invited keynote address: The Evolution of US Power Grids: Complexity and Clarity.
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