This project will establish a methodology of developing and using multiple metrics for assessing the evolving state of the U.S. electricity system and monitoring progress in modernizing the system. The goal in year 1 is to develop an initial set of metric definitions (binned into the six categories of reliability, resilience, flexibility, sustainability, affordability, and security), and establish a baseline with historic values (where available) that together describe the past and current states of the electric grid within a selected area. This initial set of metrics and the baseline will be validated by key stakeholders and published during year one. The goal for year three is the development of a comprehensive set of metrics accepted by a broad spectrum of stakeholders and a methodology for computing them.
This project will provide transparent and readily tracked metrics relevant to Congress, the Administration, and other national and regional policymakers and regulators. The metrics will enable the definition of the outcomes the nation can expect from a modernized grid, and quantify specific targets for U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) grid modernization activities. The project supports the DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability's (OE's) mission by revealing and quantifying the state and historical progress of the nation's electric infrastructure and, thus, proactively inform OE's R&D portfolio. The project provides a framework by which the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) technologies' performance and impacts can be valued within the context of the greater electricity infrastructure, and inform R&D investment decisions. Furthermore, the DOE Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis' (EPSA's) analysis will be aided by data-driven and science-based information about the current and evolving state of the grid. Regional stakeholders (e.g., state utility commissions) will benefit from the data sets, analytics, and data visualization that will enable them to make more informed investment decisions based on prioritization of metrics.
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